How to wear our alpaca infinity scarfs?

How to wear our alpaca infinity scarfs? - Art Andina

Here are some different ways to wear our alpaca infinity scarfs or any other

Also known as a circle scarf or a loop scarf, an infinity scarf is a multipurpose fashion accessory that can accent any look and keep you warm during cold weather!

Our blend of 70 % alpaca wool and 30 % acrylic is perfect for keeping you warm and still being lightweight and breathable! This is because Alpaca wool is renowned for its thermo-regulating properties!

We love this product because of its versatility, you can adapt your look to each mood or occasion!

1. The double loop.

This is the more known way to use this scarf. First, wrap the scarf in a single loop around your neck. Then cross the scarf in front of you to make a figure eight and pull the second loop over your head. 



2. The shawl style

This is the easiest way to style an infinity scarf. When you wear a regular open scarf this way, the ends of the scarf can often fall out of place and move around. But, with an infinity scarf, all will remain nicely wrapped and snug.


3. Pull through Look

 Drape all the scarf over your shoulders. Bring the two ends of the scarf to the front. 

Then, insert one end through the other end’s loop. Then you can tighten the scarf to adjust it more loosely or snugly!


Different types of alpaca infinity scarfs

At Art Andina, we have two types of alpaca infinity scarfs, each available in various colors. Our standard model is perfect for 3-season use, as it is warm enough for wintertime but also lightweight enough for fall or early spring use. It is perfect for a 2 loop style.

We also carry an oversize infinity scarf that can be worn with up to 3 loops. That model is chunky and perfect for the winter season.




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